Monday, April 20, 2009


This past weekend was very exciting yet filled with challenges at the same time. The tasks that I had to perform made me realize more that being involved in camp ministry requires many hats to be worn. So you may be asking, what was I doing? Well after an extremely tiring week of work for the programming department and prepping for our summer camps, I was the camp host for the weekend. The host position requires a lot of effort during the weekend, but it requires even extra effort when you have very demanding groups that you must take care of. My responsibilities are to be present at every meal, be on call 24 hours a day, and fulfill any of the requests of the group. On a normal hosting weekend, you have the normal requests of firewood, building campfires, delivering snack and communion, and the occasional flipping of a breaker. However, this was NO normal weekend. All of the groups that were here had similar church names which made it confusing at times to keep all of the requests straight, and they were very needed groups as well. I had requests for driving the camp bus, putting up curtains, technical troubleshooting, reorganizing room set-up, and other various needs. Not only did I need to meet all of these needs, but did I mention that I had to coordinate a WEDDING!!!! Now I am definitely not a wedding planner and this was a very difficult hat to wear during the weekend, because as all of you wedding planner people know Bridezillas are not fun to deal with. Also, every technical difficulty that could have happened with the wedding DID. The stage lights did not work, we could not find the adequate sound equipment, video projection did not work, and parking was a nightmare on our campus because the bus, which I was supposed to use to shuttle guests to the wedding, broke down. But as the weekend continued to go on, I had to remind myself over and over that I am here to be a servant to these people and that this weekend is a time that they have set aside to try and have an experience with God and I can not get in the way of that by being selfish. The practicing of humility within an internship position is never ending and I hope that it continues to teach me about myself and the ministry opportunities that I have.


  1. Wow! What a weekend... I know most of us feel like those days will never end. Congratulations for getting through, and I'm sure even though you may have felt like almost everything was disasterous- the people attending ended up enjoying themselves. Afterall... like you said, it's about connecting with God, not the accomodations. Plus it IS camp afterall! Adapt and overcome, hehe... sorry, dating a Marine. =) I applaud you for what you're doing, I went to church camp every year and had a blast. Without people like you who feel called to serve there, no one would be able to have those experiences!

    -Joshua 1:9

  2. Crazy weekend, Robbie! But, as hard as it was to manage all of that chaos, I can see how this experience is preparing you to be an awesome director someday. After a handful of weekends like this, you should be ready for just about anything!
